
Posted on January 14, 2016January 14, 2016Categories Peru, Travel  Leave a comment on Fútbolito


We took a few hours this morning to play some fútbol.  Not the big version but rather the small one – fútbolito. It’s basically the same thing except the goals are smaller, the field is smaller, and you can’t shoot the ball until you are inside the white line. Making it a lot more about skill. I could feel the elevation just walking up the steps to the field as 7,000 ft is a big change. But for being a gigantic white north american I actually did very well and scored a lot of goals. Earned the respect of the locals for sure. You might also notice Taylor is the goalie which he loved and did a great job. Normally this is played on concrete but we rented the nice field complete with synthetic grass and shade. Great time and I’m only a little sore.

Voice Lessons

Posted on January 12, 2016January 12, 2016Categories Music, Peru, Travel, Uncategorized  Leave a comment on Voice Lessons


We are working with their worship team everyday starting at 4. We work with the first team, then all the instrumentalist, then the 2nd team, and then all the vocalist till about 8:30. It’s been fun to get to know everyone and to see how fast they are improving. Pray for them as we are teaching completely in Spanish and have no translator – somehow they understand. Glory to God.

Guinea Pigs Are Not Pets

Posted on January 11, 2016May 12, 2021Categories Food, Funny, Peru, Travel  Leave a comment on Guinea Pigs Are Not Pets


They call them ‘Cuy’ and they are not pets. It’s a bit like Red Lobster where you pick out the one you want and they prepare them for you. Deep fried whole (I have pictures but I’ll spare you as it’s not pretty). They say it’s very tasty but I have not experienced it for myself. So why Guinea Pigs? Well they are cheap source of meat that reproduces very quickly. They have a phrase that says if you want an army of Cuy all you need is one couple in love. Three to four babies can be produced per month and breading age is reached within a month. It also only takes three months to be ready to eat. Anyone hungry?

Fretless Bass

Posted on January 8, 2016Categories Music, Peru, Travel  Leave a comment on Fretless Bass


We had a two hour training session tonight with the whole team but we spent most of the day figuring out what was wrong with the sound system. Cable unplugged, speaker cone not working, other cable connection falling apart. Then the mind was blown with a 5 string fretless bass with neon orange plastic strings with a pre-amp battery that falls out unless the bass is held tight against your tummy. This bass has fret marking but you don’t put your finger on the lines but only in the middle of the lines which makes the lines a bit of a mystery. Much to learn have I.